lynring24 blog

No space left on device


The partition with root and home directory was splitted in a quite odd way which made the device out of memory. Mounting a device was not a option in this case. The memory was acually the logical volume not the physical. To get a new volume and add up was the job to do.

check device and memory

$ df -h

By checking the memory, the memory of server was out not in a faken way. There were some cases that usage was high though there are lots of available memory but was not this case.

$ lsblk

To check what devices are on line. Choose an available device here.

get disk partition

$ fdisk /dev/sdX

With the chosen device , make a disk partition. Mostly, this will work like : /dev/sdX –> /dev/sdX#. The X will be a device id and # will be the number of parition.

Physical volume

$ pvcreate /dev/sdX#

Create a new physical volume with the assigned disk parition.

$ pvdisplay

Check the physical volume list.

$ vgcreate VOLUME_GROUP_NAME /dev/sdX# (/dev/sdX#)*
$ vgextend VOLUME_GROUP_NAME /dev/sdX# (/dev/sdX#)* $ vg remove VOLUME_GROUP_NAME

Create a volume group. To extend the existing volume group, use vgextend.


Logical group

Create a logical volume group.

$ mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdX#

Format a file system to ext4.

$ mount -t ext4 /dev/sdX# /SOME_DIRECTORY

Mount file system if needed.


The jobs was to extend the volume so did not have to create a logical group but could be help to know.